Seeing Stage Fright in a Different Light


 Begin to imagine your stage fright as emotional energy or passion that is not flowing freely through your body, and then you can learn to channel that pent-up passion into a genuine connection with your listeners.  That may sound impossible, but it is what you can learn through The Zimmer Method.

 Every symptom of stage fright and every bit of tension that you experience provides a piece of information to help you to become more free to be yourself –no matter where you are, who you are with or how many people are present.  You can literally transform your stage fright into a powerful presence that radiates to others.  You can become someone who speaks with such authenticity that your very presence touches others on an unspoken level and gives them permission to be as genuine as you are.

 The secret is not in public speaking mechanics.  Rather it is in becoming authentic in front of others.  Once you feel safe to be who you are in front of others, stage fright is no longer a problem.