Have you noticed how there will be some people in your audience who shine like headlights at you? For some reason they are already with you and are beaming attention at you! Learn to look for the lights in your audience members to absorb love and support for your talk. Link up with their energy…
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I was waiting in the lobby of my massage therapist’s office this week. Happy to be there to have a massage with my extraordinary orthopedic massage therapist Deborah Cimo, I was feeling good and anticipating feeling even better after Deborah did her magic on my neck and back. The door from her…
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Presence is a palpable sense of being all here – physically, mentally, and emotionally. It gives you a masterful command of yourself and it commands the attention of others. Presence is spiritual in nature. It is the embodiment of spirit. Through simple mental and physical practices, you can develop this power. Actors develop presence as…
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“The split between the mind and body is one of the most painful things we face.” – Carla Bazemore – Founder, Yoga Lotus Carla, my yoga teacher, reminded me that the split between the mind and body causes us humans much difficulty. It is this same kind of mind/body split that makes…
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Just wanting to keep you posted about my book It’s Your Time to Shine: How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, Develop Authentic Presence and Speak from Your Heart. I am sending the book back for the fourth time to reprint the cover! Shish! I might be inclined to just let it go to…
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Our new President just spoke to the world. He began to reclaim our place in the world. He called on us all to fill ourselves with the spirit of service, to remember who we are as a nation that has withstood worse challenges than we face now and to begin anew the work of remaking…
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This week, Andrew Dlugan’s Six Minutes Blog on Public Speaking and Presentation Skills published my guest article “9 Steps to Conquer Nerves and Communicate Clearly in Interviews.” This article is only published on Six Minutes. You can read the entire article. Thanks Andrew for the opportunity to share!
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Almost everyone has heard the term being in the zone. Athletes of all kinds use this term along with the phrase Ideal Performance State, coined by Dr. James E. Loehr of the Human Performance Institute. Within the fields of presentation skills, public speaking and artistic performance, the zone is called presence or being present in…
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Monday morning as I was getting dressed, I had The Today Show on TV. Matt Lauer introduced Suzan Colon, senior editor of Oprah Magazine as his guest. Suzan offered ten tips to help people feel happier. I stopped to watch. Glad I did! Toward the end of her tips she said “Stand on your toes.” …
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