There is Only One Audience in the World: How to Create a Supportive Audience

My public speaking students ask, “What if I speak to an audience that is hostile? How do I deal with that?” This question usually comes up after they have transformed a great deal of stage fright and are feeling very comfortable at the center of attention in their class group. The implication of the question… Read more

Acceptance is Opening to All Possibilities

 I was approached to write a talk, Taming the Dragon: Facing the Fear of Change for a non-profit organization. Saturday I delivered the talk twice and did well enough.  As I drove away from the event, I realized that the talk was as much for my own healing as it was for the audience of… Read more

Book & Audio on Transforming Fear of Public Speaking and Stage Fright

  This is so exciting!  I am actually recording the audio version of my new book that reveals my entire Zimmer Method for transforming stage fright and fear of public speaking!  I have a little sound studio set up on my home office computer, thanks to Bill Ferguson who loaned me his equipment and taught me… Read more

Your Sacred Wound Becomes Your Unique Message for Public Speaking and Performing

  Everyone has a unique message to deliver that is exciting and compelling.  Every life has a theme that is based on a major lesson that is being learned through the human experience.  Your unique message always comes from your struggles.  Struggles build soul. What you are wrestling with in your life becomes the gift… Read more

Your Unique Message for Public Speaking & Performance

  It is empowering to identify your own universal message that you want to deliver.   It will energize your presentations with passion for what you are saying.  A contributing factor to stage fright is the fact that people leave out their most deeply held beliefs and values from their presentations.  They tend to edit out… Read more


  The thrust of my entire life has been about working through insecurity to develop self-confidence.  The main thing I have learned is that authenticity fosters confidence.  As an actor, I trembled at auditions.  As long as I fought my tremors and made myself wrong for feeling afraid, I tensed to protect myself from showing… Read more

Movement for Freeing Self-Expression

Freeing your body to move is essential to excellent presentation.  Athletes, actors and dancers always warm up the body before performing because they know that it is the instrument through which they express and communicate.  If your body is tense, your thoughts and emotions will not flow easily.  Conversely, if your body is relaxed and… Read more

The “Be With” Quality that Transforms Stage Fright and Fear of Public Speaking

  When you add the word “with”, a bond is created.  For instance “she’s with me”, “be with child”, “speak with a group.”   So much of stage fright and fear of public speaking is about feeling separated or being judged by others. People with stage fright and fear of public speaking are experiencing a… Read more

Tools for Presence

Presence is the antidote to stage fright and fear of public speaking. Cultivating a sense of presence and being present in the moment, will support highly sensitive people who are feeing stressed about presenting and performing in front of groups.   The main key to presence is getting the thinking mind out of the head and… Read more

About John Tesh’s Blog Taming Fear

John Tesh just posted a blog called Taming Fear on which he shared that one of his biggest fears was stage fright.  He was wonderfully honest about his fear and shared his experience of getting help from a therapist named Dr Hart. What pleased me so much was that Dr. Hart’s approach to healing stage… Read more