Speaking Freely BlogAuthentic Public Speaking and Leadership

Letting Yourself Shine in Public Speaking

Lots of people have gifts and talents that are excellent but they don’t shine.    They are so full of self-judgment and self-criticism that they can’t experience their brilliance. They don’t shine because they don’t accept their gifts. Instead they place unrealistic expectations of perfection upon themselves. For instance, a technical professional shares her ideas with… Read more

How to Prevent Stage Fright

David Portney at Best Public Speaking Training  has written an article on how to Prevent Stage Fright.  He has a great idea to meet and greet audience members just before your talk.  I have advocated this for many years. I hope I have David’s permission to mention his article and to add to his helpful… Read more

What does the Caterpillar and Butterfly have to do with Public Speaking?

Learning to speak in front of groups is similar to the caterpillar’s process.  The high intensity of energy that gets stirred inside your body when you become the center of attention requires a meltdown.  You have to melt into the feelings of physical tension and emotional overwhelm that get stirred up inside.  The lovely thing… Read more

Perfect Speed Pacing for Presenting and Speaking to Groups

In Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach teaches us that perfect speed is being there. That means the exact right pace for any activity is the pace that allows you to be fully present for the event. In speaking to groups, presenting and public speaking, pace is a key to effective communication. If you talk too… Read more

Thomas Friedman says to Connect on a Gut Level

Thursday evening, I was almost asleep with the TV on when I awoke startled to hear Thomas Friedman speaking to Charli Rose on PBS.  Thomas was speaking about the importance of talking to people from a gut level. He mentioned Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as speakers who impart more than information, as speakers… Read more

Conquering Nerves and Communicating Clearly in Interviews

This week, Andrew Dlugan’s Six Minutes Blog on Public Speaking and Presentation Skills published my guest article “9 Steps to Conquer Nerves and Communicate Clearly in Interviews.”  This article is only published on Six Minutes.  You can read the entire article.  Thanks Andrew for the opportunity to share! Read more

Share Your Universal Message to Help Reduce Fear of Speaking

To empower your talks, identify a universal message that you own through experience.   A universal message will energize your presentations with passion for what you are saying.  A contributing factor to stage fright and fear of speaking is the fact that people often leave out their most deeply held beliefs and values from their presentations. … Read more

Releasing Fear & Other Negative Emotions

Ever feel stuck?  Like you can’t move forward in your life and don’t know why? Fear of feeling is the block that prevents one from going forward in life.  A human being is meant to experience life, digest the experience, take the lesson and meaning from the experience and release the negative emotion from each… Read more

Emotional Safety Allows Creative Expression

Tim Brown, CEO of Ideo, gave a talk about the relationship of play to creativity.  Among his main points he stressed that adults are embarrassed to share their most creative ideas with peers because they are sensitive to critical opinions from others.  As a result, most adults only offer their most conservative ideas.  In order… Read more

Getting in the Zone for Public Speaking and Communicating in Groups

Almost everyone has heard the term being in the zone. Athletes of all kinds use this term along with the phrase Ideal Performance State, coined by Dr. James E. Loehr of the Human Performance Institute.  Within the fields of presentation skills, public speaking and artistic performance, the zone is called presence or being present in… Read more