Speaking Freely BlogAuthentic Public Speaking and Leadership

Movement for Freeing Self-Expression

Freeing your body to move is essential to excellent presentation.  Athletes, actors and dancers always warm up the body before performing because they know that it is the instrument through which they express and communicate.  If your body is tense, your thoughts and emotions will not flow easily.  Conversely, if your body is relaxed and… Read more

The “Be With” Quality that Transforms Stage Fright and Fear of Public Speaking

  When you add the word “with”, a bond is created.  For instance “she’s with me”, “be with child”, “speak with a group.”   So much of stage fright and fear of public speaking is about feeling separated or being judged by others. People with stage fright and fear of public speaking are experiencing a… Read more

Tools for Presence

Presence is the antidote to stage fright and fear of public speaking. Cultivating a sense of presence and being present in the moment, will support highly sensitive people who are feeing stressed about presenting and performing in front of groups.   The main key to presence is getting the thinking mind out of the head and… Read more

About John Tesh’s Blog Taming Fear

John Tesh just posted a blog called Taming Fear on which he shared that one of his biggest fears was stage fright.  He was wonderfully honest about his fear and shared his experience of getting help from a therapist named Dr Hart. What pleased me so much was that Dr. Hart’s approach to healing stage… Read more

Develop your Authentic Public Speaking Style – Seven Tips

 When it comes to speaking, presenting or performing, each of us must decide how we are going to present ourselves to the world.  We might each ask ourselves, “Will I create an image I think my audience will approve or will I risk presenting myself as I authentically am?”  This question determines whether we will… Read more

The Power of Soft Eye Connection to Lessen Fear of Public Speaking

 Connection is a two-way exchange of attention and energy.  It is an ability to give attention to others and receive attention from others.  When you actually connect, you experience an exchange of human energy that feels good emotionally and physically. No matter who you are or what you do, the ability to connect is an essential ingredient… Read more

Speaking to Propel Yourself into the Future – Storytelling

Life presents opportunities – moments that can propel us into a future of expanded experience. When the moment comes to turn the tide of life, what prepares us to catch the opportunity?  It is the ability to speak, to say yes, to say just the right thing, tell the right story, make the right point… Read more

Gabe & Izzy Give Their Gift

This story is about the importance of sharing your gift even when you are afraid.  Gabe is a  young woman with a neuromuscular disease. As a child she was bullied in school. She became despondent about life. Her parents got her a dog, Izzy. As time passed, Izzy developed a similar disease. Gabe nurtured Izzy and… Read more

Why I Say Love is the Answer to Stage Fright & Fear of Public Speaking

Darren’s comment on a recent blog post opened the door for me to delve more deeply into my awareness of what causes stage fright and fear of public speaking.  In response, I’d like to focus on what triggers stage fright and what heals it, what releases us from the grip of negativity and unleashes our potential to… Read more

Mick Jagger Feels Good in his Skin

Mick Jagger allowed Martin Scorscese to shine a camera upclose, almost down his throat during a concert in order to share what a Rolling Stones concert is really like. This is a part of the upcoming Rolling Stones Movie, “Shine a Light.” Interviewing Mick, Matt Lauer of The Today Show on NBC asked, “You must feel… Read more