A beautiful speaking voice enhances your ability to communicate with and influence others. Other people make unconscious decisions about whether to trust and believe you based on the sound of your voice and how you pronounce the sounds of English.
A strong voice commands attention, increasing your presence. A rich, resonant voice tone compels others to respond positively. Good diction (proper pronunciation of the sounds of English) allows others to understand you clearly.
Master Voice Teacher, Sandra Zimmer, guides you through vocal training that absolutely amplifies your confidence! Don’t envy a great voice, have one!
Voice Training and Accent Reduction
Self Expression Center provides a variety of Voice and Accent Reduction training including:
Speaking Voice Training
Develop a speaking voice that compels attention through speaking voice training with renowned speaking coach Sandra Zimmer.
Read more on Speaking Voice Training
Accent Reduction Programs
Foreign-born professionals add significant value to the companies for which they work. Many foreign-born professionals have a strong grasp of the English language, but heavy accents may interfere with their ability to be clearly understood when communicating crucial information.
Find out more on Accent Reduction Programs
Request a Complimentary Consultation about Speaking Voice Training
Customer Testimonials
"Learning to be comfortable as the center of attention has improved my business confidence in both small gatherings and in front of groups. But what really changed my speaking skills for the better was learning to think on my feet by telling stories, asking questions, and “stringing these beads together” to make interesting presentations."
"I want to thank you for teaching me to challenge and overcome my fears through the “Stage Fright/Natural Presence” class and then practicing what I learned with the follow-up session, “Telling Stories/Sharing Wisdom.” Not only were these two classes valuable to my career because they gave me new insight into how I function and respond when called upon to speak, they validated perceptions about myself ..."
--Pegge Bogle, Senior VP at Pierpont Communications
"The diction sessions for foreign-born professionals were pretty helpful. I am more confident that listeners understand what I say when speaking English."
-- Scott Schu, Engineer Baker Hughes
“ Your gentle style was just the right thing for me. You taught me that I have a good voice and now I feel confident to express myself in situations where I would have held back before. ”
-- Rosmond Davis, Stay at Home Mom