A New Understanding about Stage Fright & Fear of Public Speaking

Those of us who have the most stage fright and fear of speaking in public have the potential to be among the most compelling and impacting speakers, communicators and performers of all!  That is because we have the feelings.  Our feelings are up to the surface where they can be used to create a genuine emotional connection with listeners.
 Sandra Zimmer

Hello World!  I am Sandra Zimmer.  I want to introduce myself and my blog “Speaking Freely” to you.

The focus of this blog is something that effects millions of smart, sensitive and talented people – that is fear of public speaking, stage fright, performance anxiety and withholding of ideas in groups.

If you are one of these people, my message to you is that there is nothing wrong with you!  The fact that you feel such intensity in front of others is a sign that there is something very right with you!  You are sensitive.  You have a great degree of emotional intensity and spiritual juice that can be tapped and used to create genuine emotional and spiritual connection with others.  Stage fright or fear of speaking in public is a signal that you have gifts, insights, awareness and talents that you are not yet giving fully to the world.  It is a call from your soul to open more fully to sharing yourself with the world.  It offers a doorway to transformation.

You already know this about yourself!  You know you have much more to give than you have been allowing yourself to share.  You may be afraid you don’t have much to give, but the opposite is true.  You are often the one who knows more, senses more, has more awareness and more depth.  Right?

What I intend to do with this blog is to introduce some new thinking and a new approach to transforming stage fright and fear of public speaking.  If you are a person who is “suffering” from this issue, a leader who is sidestepping speaking opportunities to impact your company, a business communicator who is bumping up against a glass ceiling because you have to speak and can’t, a performer with talents you are holding back, a coach who is supporting speakers and presenters or a therapist who is counseling those with social anxiety, then I invite you to check my posts.  Ask me questions, challenge me and dialogue with me to help heal this issue and to free us all to express who we are so we can share our own ideas, insights and expertise to make a difference in the world.


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