One of my favorite communication experts is Loren Ekroth, Ph.D who is a specialist in human communication and a national expert on conversation for business and social life. He sends a newsletter that always has a thoughtful and insightful article. His article this week is on the gift of presence. You can contact him…
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Stage fright is fear of feeling in front of others. It is the fear of revealing that you are human and that you have human emotions that are not always positive. It is fear of being seen for who you truly are. Becoming the center of attention also triggers feelings of shame – shame…
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When you do become the center of attention, there is only one thing to do: try to exit the situation by leaving your body. If you can’t get out of the situation by avoiding the event, then you try to avoid the sensations felt inside. The way to avoid the sensations is to leave…
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The secret to healing stage fright is to focus attention into your fear, into the sensations of tension inside your body. Once you do that, you will find that the experience is not as bad as you expected. Inside yourself, you can relax into the tension and discover a new, safe ground within your…
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Shame and perfectionism are interrelated. Shame is the painful feeling that comes from a deep-seated belief that “I am not good enough.” It is generated from an unconscious thought that “I AM wrong.” That means your very Being is not acceptable. Perfectionism is what we do to try to avoid the feelings of shame. …
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Once in a while, an idea comes along which changes all the other ideas that I am teaching. I met that idea this week at The UP Experience in Houston. Among the cadre of sixteen awesome speakers, who were all thought leaders in their fields, was Dr. Brené Brown. Dr. Brené Brown is a writer, researcher,…
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Sean Buvala at has written an awesome post on using stories for apologies and healing. He says that “Storytelling can be used for many different applications. One of the most difficult, but needed, application of storytelling is to express reconciliation, repentance and recompense.” Sean lists five steps that help create a story of redemption:…
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Recently, I was fascinated by an NBC Dateline documentary spotlighting the singing star, Taylor Swift. What compelled me to pay attention and watch the whole hour twice was the authenticity from which this dynamo of a performer and businesswoman lives her life and runs her productions. At 19 years of age, she…
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I heard this on the radio today, “Great Leadership begins with the ability to level with people.” That’s another way of saying we must be transparent to be effective as leaders. I just heard Obama criticized for going to Cairo to “apologize” for American behavior. It might just be that he was being transparent…
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There is something about public speaking, expressing oneself in groups, presenting or performing that triggers many people’s desire to look perfect. It seems we just can’t give ourselves permission to be imperfect and…. well, human. When we don’t feel safe to be genuinely who we are in front of others, we tense up the body…
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