Characteristics of Inspirational Leaders – Blog by Frenetta Tate

I just read an excellent blog post by Frenetta Tate MBA called The Seven Success Characteristics of Inspirational Leadership.  Ms. Tate identified a powerful set of qualities that leaders who inspire others possess.  They are: 1. The Crusader 2. The Connector 3. The Innovator 4. The Encourager 5. The Coach 6. The Builder 7. The… Read more

Want to Speak like Steve Jobs?

I had never seen Steve Jobs talk before; but after he died, I heard lots of people rave about the way he spoke in public. It seemed like many people thought he was the epitome of a great speaker. Then I began reading his biography Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. Before even finishing a quarter… Read more

Three Great Presentation Skills that Make the Winning Difference

Next week I am facilitating a day-long training program for sales professionals in the world’s fifth largest software company. Unlike my usual clients who feel fear of speaking, these folks will be good at speaking and selling.  They are already very successful. So, “What,” I wondered “Do they need from me?” They need me to… Read more

The Transformation of Mark Zuckerberg

Much has been said about Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg and how he appears when speaking in public.  As recently as June this year, he sweated profusely while being interviewed.  But last Sunday he seemed calm, comfortable and in command of himself on CBS 60 Minutes.  His passion is palpable in this interview.  Some have speculated that he… Read more

Seth Godin on the Discomfort of Leadership

  Seth Godin, author of Tribes, writes a blog on leadership at  He quotes his book, “Leadership is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead.” He continues with:  “It’s uncomfortable to stand up in front of strangers. It’s uncomfortable to propose an idea that might fail. It’s… Read more

Getting in the Zone for Public Speaking and Communicating in Groups

Almost everyone has heard the term being in the zone. Athletes of all kinds use this term along with the phrase Ideal Performance State, coined by Dr. James E. Loehr of the Human Performance Institute.  Within the fields of presentation skills, public speaking and artistic performance, the zone is called presence or being present in… Read more