Congratulations, You’ve Got Stage Fright!

You won’t believe me now, but it’s a good thing to have stage fright. In fact, the more stage fright you have, the better presenter or performer you can become, and the more potential you have to be a deeply impacting communicator and speaker! The reason is that you have the feelings. Your feelings are… Read more

Presence – The Inner Game of Speaking

  The trick to awesome speaking is not looking good on the outside, but feeling good on the inside.  You must build an inner foundation of comfort in your skin, presence, internal fullness and receptivity to the flow of other’s attention.   What trips people up about speaking is often the internal tension that distracts… Read more

New Stage Fright & Fear of Public Speaking Book is Available

  When one journey ends, another begins.  But sometimes, maybe, you have to wait to see the next path. A little over 20 years ago, I started the journey of learning to transform stage fright and fear of public speaking so that I and others could connect with the power of presence when speaking or… Read more

Healing the Mind & Body Split of Stage Fright and Fear of Speaking

  “The split between the mind and body is one of the most painful things we face.”                         –  Carla Bazemore – Founder, Yoga Lotus   Carla, my yoga teacher, reminded me that the split between the mind and body causes us humans much difficulty.  It is this same kind of mind/body split that makes… Read more

Why My Process for Transforming Stage Fright Works

The magic of the Zimmer Method is in providing a safe space where people can go through their tensions and release them.  Permission to feel is healing; it is that simple.  The only way out of the tensions is to go through them.   Instead of making the tensions wrong, we create a group where there is permission… Read more

Unique Approach to Helping People Heal Stage Fright & Fear of Public Speaking Has Evolved Since 1984

My approach to helping guide people to transform their stage fright has been evolving since 1984.  It began by asking people to stand quietly in front of my performance classes to see if they could just BE at the center of attention.  Most people had great difficulty simply standing quietly in front of the class. … Read more