New Stage Fright & Fear of Public Speaking Book is Available

  When one journey ends, another begins.  But sometimes, maybe, you have to wait to see the next path. A little over 20 years ago, I started the journey of learning to transform stage fright and fear of public speaking so that I and others could connect with the power of presence when speaking or… Read more

Healing the Mind & Body Split of Stage Fright and Fear of Speaking

  “The split between the mind and body is one of the most painful things we face.”                         –  Carla Bazemore – Founder, Yoga Lotus   Carla, my yoga teacher, reminded me that the split between the mind and body causes us humans much difficulty.  It is this same kind of mind/body split that makes… Read more

Embracing Authenticity: Who Are You Able to Be In Front of Others?

There is something about public speaking, expressing oneself in groups, presenting or performing that triggers many people’s desire to look perfect.  It seems we just can’t give ourselves permission to be imperfect and…. well, human.  When we don’t feel safe to be genuinely who we are in front of others, we tense up the body… Read more

Enjoy Being Yourself in Front of Others

Speaking to groups of people, sharing your ideas, insights and expertise can be a peak experience if you open to be yourself fully in front of others.  I found myself humming the song “I Enjoy Being a Girl” yesterday.  Who knows why that song was in my head?  As I hummed, I began to think about… Read more

How to Prevent Stage Fright

David Portney at Best Public Speaking Training  has written an article on how to Prevent Stage Fright.  He has a great idea to meet and greet audience members just before your talk.  I have advocated this for many years. I hope I have David’s permission to mention his article and to add to his helpful… Read more

What does the Caterpillar and Butterfly have to do with Public Speaking?

Learning to speak in front of groups is similar to the caterpillar’s process.  The high intensity of energy that gets stirred inside your body when you become the center of attention requires a meltdown.  You have to melt into the feelings of physical tension and emotional overwhelm that get stirred up inside.  The lovely thing… Read more

Share Your Universal Message to Help Reduce Fear of Speaking

To empower your talks, identify a universal message that you own through experience.   A universal message will energize your presentations with passion for what you are saying.  A contributing factor to stage fright and fear of speaking is the fact that people often leave out their most deeply held beliefs and values from their presentations. … Read more

Life Fright: Ground Yourself in Your Body to Clear Fear and Anxiety

Normally I write about stage fright and fear of public speaking, but today my focus is broader. As we face an economic crisis, just about everybody is feeling some fear and anxiety right now.  I have been working to overcome mine and to transform the fear into power. I have also been pondering what I… Read more

Stop Running from Stage Fright & Fear of Public Speaking

If you pay close attention to how you feel during stage fright, you will notice that the feeling is very familiar, and about as old as your earliest memories.  It is the same feeling that you had when you were a small child – powerless, overwhelmed by the larger world and totally dependent on others… Read more

Tips that Make it Easy to Think on Your Feet

In my Telling Stories & Sharing Wisdom speaking class last week, one participant wowed us with a fully fleshed-out talk about what is wrong in America today.  He was able to put together ideas and pieces of content that included a story about being with his daughter in a New York restaurant at a table… Read more