Authenticity & Imperfection: Brene Brown’s PBS Show

University of Houston professor,  Dr. Brene Brown debutes The Gifts of Imperfection: Living with Courage, Compassion & Connection on Houstons PBS TV station Channel 8 Monday night November 29th at 7 and 8:30 PM.

I hope that Dr. Brown will do for authenticity what Dr. John Bradshaw  did for family systems theory when he aired his PBS programs.  He brought all the research and awareness known by the therapeutic community about family systems to the general public and made us aware of how each person in the family plays an important role in holding dysfunctional families in place.  He helped us break the cultural pattern of dysfunctional families.

Brene Brown’s message is to let go of trying to be what you think you should be, that is trying to be perfect, and to embrace who you authentcially are so that you can live your life fully.  She has done years of research, writing and personal experiencing to become an expert on authenticity.  If she can be a loud voice to make us all aware of the rich rewards that come from committment to authenticity, then we have a chance at becoming a nation that can lead the world into greater openness and transparency.

As an expert myself in authentic speaking, I am cheering Brene on and urge you to watch this program Monday night.  You can read the Houston Chronicle article about Brene Brown’s show in Sunday’s Houston Chronicle Lifestyle section.  You can also watch her video at YouTube. You can also read my Speaking Freely blogposts on authenticity in public speaking and communication.

Brene – You Go Girl!